by J Thomas Knight | Mar 6, 2023 | Commentaries
Commentary: Week of March 06, 2023 In multiple ways, this is the most difficult time we have ever seen to make a forecast. “Unprecedented” actions by government – locking down the economy, printing, borrowing, and spending trillions of extra dollars – artificially...
by J Thomas Knight | Mar 6, 2023 | Commentaries
Commentary: Week of February 27, 2023 In the past few weeks, a growing chorus of economists and investors have decided that the pessimistic narrative had it wrong all along, that the US isn’t headed for a hard landing, which would mean a recession, it isn’t even...
by J Thomas Knight | Feb 21, 2023 | Commentaries
Commentary: Week of February 20, 2023 You can’t read or watch financial news these days without a heavy dose of speculation about what the Fed is going to do with short-term interest rates, when it’s going to do it, and how long it’s going to do it for. There’s...
by J Thomas Knight | Feb 13, 2023 | Commentaries
Commentary: Week of February 13, 2023 Markets have been volatile, with reports convincing many that the Fed is done hiking rates. But this week, we get data that may change some minds. Why? Because the economic reports for January are likely to come in hot, with...
by J Thomas Knight | Feb 13, 2023 | Commentaries
Commentary: Week of February 06, 2023 At the beginning of the season, not many predicted that the Philadelphia Eagles would be in the Super Bowl this year. But, they had a fantastic season and are favored over the Kansas City Chiefs. Predicting this economy is...
by J Thomas Knight | Jan 30, 2023 | Commentaries
Commentary: Week of January 30, 2023 The US federal budget is on an unsustainable path…but not for the reasons that most people think. Yes, the national debt is $31 trillion, well higher than annual GDP, and only going higher. Yes, the budget deficit last year was...